Patient Guide

The staff at Radioterapia Siglo XXI welcomes you and reaffirms the commitment to ensure timely care for your illness" and then the rest continues.
Our professionals and in general the work team, we take the time to listen to you, explain each process and we understand very well the value of empathy and respect for each person's religious and political beliefs.
We hope that during your treatment, you feel our support and that we can help make your experience as pleasant as possible. Below we present this small Guide, with the primary objective that you know in detail what the radiant treatment consists of in each of its stages and the specialists involved in them.
Rest assured that you have come to the right place and that you will have the best possible treatment, as well as a group of people who will be in the best position to contribute to your well-being.
Information of interest
In the first appointment, the radiation oncologist will evaluate your clinical background and prepare the Clinical History, taking into account all the information that you provide from the referring doctors.
Sometimes it will be necessary to repeat diagnostic studies or request additional ones.
In this consultation, the treatment you are going to receive will be explained in detail, as well as the estimated time of total duration (days, weeks, months) possible side effects and the management of them.
Once your appointment with the doctor is finished, you will be assigned the day to undergo the Computed Tomography (CT) procedure, Magnetic Resonance when required and Simulation Scan.
The Simulation: it is a preparatory study for the treatment. It is carried out by means of a Tomograph where the doctor and the radiation therapist define exactly the treatment area.
With all the data obtained in the simulator and your clinical history, the radiation oncologist and the medical physicist will define the most appropriate treatment.
Radiotherapy applications: The treatment will usually be carried out on a daily basis from Monday to Friday and the duration will depend on each case. The treatment schedule will be that agreed by the patient and the radiation therapists in charge of operating the equipment.
Our radiation therapists are in charge of placing the patient on the treatment table on a daily basis and will use the tattoo (s) that were made in the simulation as a guide for the orientation of the radiation beam, in addition to the use of IGRT technology (Imaged Guided Radiotherapy) which allows through computed tomography to place it in the exact position to irradiate only the defined area. The Radiotherapy Treatment process can be divided into three stages:
A. Before
B. During treatment
C. After treatment
A radiation therapist will receive you and take you to the Tomography area, where the respective immobilization devices that you require for your treatment will be made and/or applied.
Next, a CT scan will be performed in the area to be treated previously established by your physician; this scan will help to plan your treatment in the most efficient and precise way.
Tomography is a very fast procedure, in most cases it does not exceed more than a few minutes. It is a painless procedure.
Next, a CT scan will be performed in the area to be treated previously established by your physician; this scan will help to plan your treatment in the most efficient and precise way. Tomography is a very fast procedure, in most cases it does not exceed more than a few minutes. It is a painless procedure.
With the results of the simulation and your medical history, the radiation oncologist, the medical physicist, and the dosimetrist will analyze how much radiation is needed, how it should be administered and in how many sessions it will be applied. This process takes several days.
"The success of Radiotherapy lies in being able to reproduce the defined position in this first step on a daily basis"
Estimated Duration Time: 10 to 20 minutes (Except the first day of treatment, which will be 15 to 25 minutes)
The treatment will usually be carried out on a daily basis from Monday to Friday. Rest during the weekend allows normal cells to recover.
The duration of it will depend on the criteria of the treating physician, considering the size and location of the injury, the type of tumor, your general health and any other treatment you are receiving. All treatments are different, so don't be surprised if you see other patients with totally different schemes than yours. Before irradiating, radiation therapist will place you in the same position in which the CT scan was performed, the area to be treated will be verified using digital images obtained from the treatment console (Computer Area)
The equipment will move around you to locate the place or places where the treatment will be applied During each treatment session, you stay in the room for 10 to 20 minutes, but the radiation dose only lasts for 1 to 5 minutes.
The radiation therapists leave the treatment room before applying radiation, which is done from computers located outside the bunker.
* Even if you feel alone inside the bunker, remember that the radiation therapists can see and hear you all the times, and can also speak to you through a speaker during your treatment continuously from the control console.
You will quickly become familiar with your treatment routine; please note that although each session lasts approximately 5-10 minutes, you will spend 30-40 minutes at the Medical Center between your arrival and departure.
Keep the same cares, recommendations and restrictions that you had during your treatment for up to 30 or 60 days after your last radiotherapy session.
Radiation, used precisely at the appropriate levels, destroys the ability of damaged cells to grow and reproduce.
This radiation treatment fulfills the function of reducing the injury or of preventing some cells remaining after surgery from growing again.
You can continue with your normal routine. Don't strain yourself. Each patient's body reacts differently to radiotherapy, for this reason the doctor plan the treatment individually for each patient.
He may suggest that you limit certain activities, such as sports, as appropriate. You will need to take good care of your body during the course of treatment to protect your health and help the process to be successful.
Here are some tips to remember:
Make sure you get enough rest. Sleep as often as necessary. Your body will need a lot more energy and you may feel a bit tired.
Good nutrition is essential: Try to eat a balanced diet to avoid losing or gaining weight. The nurse will indicate the appropriated diet according to your irradiated area.
Avoid wearing tight clothing such as girdles or tight collars over the treatment area. It's better to wear clothes that are comfortable and that you can wash or even dispose if it gets stained with ink.
Be extremely careful with the skin in the treatment area. Do not use soaps, lotions, deodorants, perfumes, cosmetics, powder or any other product in this area, without first checking with your doctor or nurse.
Do not apply heat or cold to the treatment area. Only use warm water to wash the area as you could injure your skin.
Protect the treatment area from the sun, if possible cover the skin with light clothing or wear a hat. Continue to protect your skin from the sun with a good sunscreen for at least one year after completing radiotherapy.
"Do not expose the treated area to the sun"
The collateral effects that may occur are different depending on the treated area. Your doctor will explain those that apply to your particular treatment.
- Radiotherapy: IS NOT PAINFUL.
- You ARE NOT RADIOACTIVE after or during treatment.
- You are not a threat to the health of your family, friends or pets.
- You DO NOT LOSE YOUR HAIR, unless the irradiation is applied to the head area.
- If you are PREGNANT, think you may be, or become pregnant during radiation treatment you should report this immediately.
- It is important that you remain STILL during the short application time.
You can attend your appointments accompanied by a person, if required. To avoid crowds in the waiting rooms, it is NOT advisable to attend with more than 1 companion or with children.
We kindly ask you to arrive at the Medical Center 10 minutes before the time indicated; in case of being late, it will cause delays in the treatment of other patients who arrive on time. In case of not being able to attend the appointment, you must notify the telephones: 2290-3447, 2290-3475, 2290-3481 and request a new appointment.
Take medications prescribed by your doctor only.
If you have any questions, please ask your radiation therapist, your nurse or treating physician. They are the only ones who can advise you on your treatment, side effects, home care, and any other medical concerns you may have.
The professional team of this Medical Center is made up of Radiation Oncologists, Medical Physicists, Engineers, Dosimetric, Radiation Therapists, Nurses and an administrative support group. Each of them fulfills a role during the course of your treatment, from the indication of the amount and type of radiation, equipment to be used, your daily location on the treatment table to the logistics of customer service. All of these professionals work together to provide excellence to your treatment. By collaborating with them, you can help them achieve better results.