Dr. María Bonilla
Oncologist and Radiation Therapist
Specialist with the longest experience in the country in the treatment of head and neck tumors and Oncohematological diseases. Extensive experience in radiosurgery and body radiotherapy treatments, treatments of lymphomas, sarcomas, multiple metastases, among others.

Academic education
Specialty in Radiation Oncology
University of Costa Rica| From 2010
Bachelor's and Doctorate in General Medicine and Surgery
International University of the Americas | Since 2002
Work experience
Assistant physician specialist in radiation oncology
Mexico Hospital | 2011 - Current
3CD and IMRT RT techniques
Madrid Institute of Oncology (IMO) |
General Assistant Physician
San Vicente de Paul Heredia Hospital | 2007 - 2011
General Assistant Physician
Alfaro Ruiz Health Area (EBAIS) | 2003