Dr. Juliana Ramírez
Radiation Oncologist
Dr. Ramirez has a lot of experience in body and intracranial radiosurgery treatments. Expert in novel approaches for prostate, brain and CNS injuries. Comprehensive management of radiation oncology.

Dr. Ramirez has a lot of experience in body and intracranial radiosurgery treatments. Expert in novel approaches for prostate, brain and CNS injuries. Comprehensive management of radiation oncology.
Extensive experience in CNS Radiosurgery. Dr Blanco has extensive experience in intracranial treatments with novel approaches, unique in the country. Pioneer in schemes for the treatment of functional disorders, multiple metastases, AV malformations and other malignant and non-malignant pathologies.
University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. | Since 2005
National Center for Oncological Research, Center for Biosanitary Studies and European School of Oncology | Since 2015
Tibás Comprehensive Clinic, Lic. Rodrigo Fournier G.
| 2001-2002
San Juan de Dios Hospital
| 2005 - 2009
San Vicente Paul Hospital.
| 2005-2012
Mexico Hospital
| 2009
Extensive experience and knowledge in comprehensive cranial and body radiotherapy and radiosurgery treatments. Dr Guillermo Recinos has successfully treated brain injuries such as meningiomas in single sessions and has trained extensively in the treatment of prostate cancer.
Extensive experience in radiosurgery and radiotherapy treatments. Expert in treatments for lung injuries (treatment for multiple clinical studies of this disease). Extensive knowledge in radiation treatments successfully treating non-malignant lesions, multiple lesions and various types of tumors.
University of Costa Rica/Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social and Catalan Institute of Oncology. Barcelona, Spain. Agreement International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) | 2007-2011
Catalan Institute of Oncology | 2010
University of Murcia-Madrid Institute of Oncology/Gregorio Marañón General University Hospital. Madrid Spain. 2010-2011
Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology and Spanish Society of Clinical Oncology/Francisco de Vitoria University. Madrid Spain. | 2015-2017
Complutense University of Madrid | 2017-2018
Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid, Spain| 2021-2022
Francisco de Vitoria University. Spanish Society of Radiation Oncology-SEOR | 2023-2024
Spanish Society of Medical Radiology-SERAM. UROIMA | 2024
Assistant Physician Specialist in Radiotherapy. Department of Hemato-Oncology | 2011 - Current
21st Century Radiotherapy Medical Center | 2011 - Current
University of Costa Rica/CENDEISSS- CCSS | 2012 - Current
Costa Rican Cancer Center/Chavarria Imaging Center. | 2019 - Current
National University of Costa Rica| 2018 - 2022
Hospital Clínica Biblica| 2023 - Current
Mexico Hospital
Astra Zeneca | 2015 - Current
Extensive knowledge and experience in Radiation Oncology. He has training and experience in cranial and body radiosurgery treatments with novel approaches in multiple and localized lesions.
University of Costa Rica | Since 2012
University of Costa Rica | Since 2012
University of Costa Rica | Since 2017
Complutense University of Madrid | Since 2020
National Autonomous University of Mexico | From 2023
Medical Emergencies Service San Juan de Dios Hospital | 2013 to 2015
Medical Emergencies Service Hospital Mexico | 2015 to 2017
Mexico Hospital | 2017 - 2018
San Juan de Dios Hospital | 2018 - Current
performing guards at the San Rafael de Alajuela Hospital| 2018 - Current
Robotic Radiosurgery Center
UCIMED University of Medical Sciences | Since 2011
University of Costa Rica UCR | Since 2018
Tech México, Technological University | From 2022
Oncology Hospital of the Siglo XXI National Medical Center
Mexico City | 2018
National Cancer Institute Chile
Santiago | 2019
National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases
Lima – Peru | 2019
Disney's Grand Floridian Resort
Florida - USA | 2020
Mexico Hospital. Costa Rican Social Security Fund Costa Rica (CCSS)
San Jose - Costa Rica| 2018 - Current
Specialist with extensive experience in generalized radiation oncology treatments. Extensive knowledge in radiosurgery applied to head and neck tumors and prostate cancer. Extensive experience in novel schemes in the treatment of breast cancer.
UCIMED University of Medical Sciences | From 2010
Postgraduate Systems, University of Costa Rica | Since 2015
Mexico Hospital | 2011 - 2015
Mexico Hospital | 2015 - Currently
Specialist with extensive experience in radiosurgery treatments. He has knowledge of novel approaches and techniques for intracranial and CNS injuries. Dr. Soto has specialized in comprehensive radiation oncology with an emphasis on short and precise treatments.
UCIMED University of Medical Sciences | Since 1998
University of Costa Rica UCR. | Since 2007
Central American Institute of Public Administration ICAP | Since 2017
University of Los Andes, Chile. IAEA-FALP | Since 2018
San Juan de Dios Hospital | 2011 - Current
Radiotherapy Service San Juan de Dios Hospital | 2015 - current
Calderón Guardia Hospital, Mexico Hospital and San Juan de Dios Hospital | 2007 - 2011
National Insurance Institute (INS)
2005 - 2007
Dr. Gallegos has extensive experience in radiation treatments, both radiotherapy and radiosurgery. He has experience in the management of multiple and localized injuries with novel approaches.
San Jose, Costa Rica | Since 2019
San Jose, Costa Rica | Since 2018
San Jose, Costa Rica | Since 2017
Argonne, Illinois, USA | Since 2016
San Jose, Costa Rica | Since 2012
University of Costa Rica | Since 2003
University of Costa Rica | Since 2003
Mexico City, DF | Since 2003
University of Costa Rica | 2009 - Current
San Juan de Dios Hospital. Hospital and Mexico | 2003 - Current
Mexico Hospital | 1999 - 2003
United Supermarkets
1998 - 1999
Guanacaste, Ministry of Health | 1997 - 1998
Extensive experience in radiation oncology treatments for gastrointestinal cancer. He also has extensive knowledge in innovative radiosurgery and body radiotherapy schemes.
University of Costa Rica | Since 2008
University of Costa Rica | Since 2015
Arturo López Pérez Foundation -University of the Andes Santiago de Chile | Since 2018
Mercedes Chacón P Clinic | 2009
El Rosario School |
Oscar Lambret Institute, Lille - France | 2014
2017 - 2018
Mexico Hospital | 2018 - Currently